Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad ...
In my current depression I made almost nothing more...
Some vain attempts of musical creation, but nothing very concrete.
And this morning by waking me, after a good cup of coffee on the seat in front of my pc I had a small illumination. I took my fruity loops software, the trembling hands. And as if by magic I was finally lucky to compose something nice!
I can't wait that I finish!
So ...
Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad ...
Ca arrive à bien des gens, dis toi que ca va passer. J'ai une dépression depuis environ fin 2008 et elle est pas encore finie... C'est pas trop intense et je m'y fais, mais je me sens souvent perdu. Je suppose que ca vient avec devenir adulte.